We had a fabulous, albeit short, week. I am blown away by the students work ethic, and willingness to contribute to class conversations. We had a wonderful conversation about residential schools (age appropriate of course) and how we would feel in that particular situation. We then completed an activity stating that every child matters and every child deserves…. What rich conversations we had.
Please check your childs planner for their school pictures that were sent home today. If your child was absent today then I have their picture and will give it to them when they return to school.
Spelling words for next week:
- Can
- Is
- The
- With
- For
- In
- They
- You
- Was
- From
- A
- And
- He
- On
- We
This is the last week of “no excuse” spelling words. The lists will be increasing in difficulty after this list.
Please remember to send your childs home reading with them on their day. There is a list on the blog under reading groups if you have forgotten your day.
I hope you have a wonderful long weekend!!