Monthly Archives: November 2022
Upcoming December Events
Mark your calendars for December 8th, Students are invited to participate in Pay to Wear Casual. All donations will go to our Guatemala Missions trip. If students choose to not participate they may wear their uniform.
As part if the fundraiser, there are donuts and cookies available to order on Munch-A-Lunch. Please note that these need to be ordered by December 2nd and there will not be any available on the day to purchase. Email the office if you need help with Munch-A-Lunch.
All money from Pay to Wear Casual and all profits from the concession, donuts & cookies on this day go straight to the Missions Team for their trip to Guatemala in the spring.
Salvation Army Food Drive:
The food drive will start December 1st, note that cash donations are preferred as they can buy things at a discount price thus making the donation go farther. Students can bring all cash and food donations to me.
Christmas Sweaters Day:
On Wednesday, December 14th all students (K-12) are welcome to wear Christmas-themed clothing. Any student not wishing to participate can wear their regular uniform.
Christmas Concerts:
The students have begun working on preparing for the Christmas concerts.
Grade K-3 Concert: Friday, December 16th at 10:30am
Note: All classes will be dismissed early on Friday, December 16th at 11:30am (after the concert).
Christmas Accessories
All students (K-12) are invited to wear festive hats, scarves, gloves, and/or socks/leggings with their uniform from now until December 16th. All items must be Christmas themed. Baseball caps and bucket hats do not count unless they are particularly Christmassy in some way.
Christmas Decorating Party
Tomorrow is our Christmas decorating party, thank you to all who have sent in items. Thank you to the parents that are coming in to help, I wonder if there is anyone else available to help with a station or two. It is from 1-3 tomorrow afternoon. Please let me know if you are able to come and help.
Jersey Day Tomorrow
Just a reminder that tomorrow is Jersey Day. Students are welcome to wear a Jersey with casual bottoms. If they don’t wish to participate then they should come in their uniform.
Christmas Decorating Party
It seems to soon to be talking about Christmas, however we are one month away from Christmas holidays!! Next week, on November 24th, we will be having our Christmas decorating party. We will be decorating cookies, making decorations for the classroom, and having treats. I am hoping to have a couple volunteers to help with bringing some items for the party:
2 parents to bring sugar cookies (we have 23 kids in the class)
2 parents for icing
4 parents to bring a cookie decorating item such as sprinkles or candy (1 item each)
a few parents to bring a treat to enjoy
If anyone would like to come and join in the festivities you are more than welcome. The “party” will be from 1-3 on the 24th.
If you could let me know by email if you are able to help with any of the items on the list it would be greatly appreciated!!
Parent Teacher Interviews
I am really looking forward to meeting with parents tomorrow for interviews. If you were not able to sign up and would like to meet you can email me and I’m happy to meet on a different day before or after school.
Scholastic Book Fair
Just a reminder that today, tomorrow, and Thursday we will be hosting the Scholastic Book Fair in the school lobby.
Remembrance Day Assembly
Tomorrow is our Remembrance Day assembly, the students will be receiving a poppy to wear during the assembly. If you have any spare change to donate it would be greatly appreciated. Students can bring a donation to class and i will deliver it to the office.