Pizza Making and Mouse Mouse Visit

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Spring Break!

Saying goodbye to Zaya. We have been praying for her and the mission team heading to Guatemala to have a safe trip and spread the message of Gods love.
Mouse Mouse is in fact a rat! We also had the pleasure of seeing baby rats that were just born!!

Movie Tomorrow

Tomorrow afternoon we will be watching the movie Happy Feet as a class. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.

Tomorrow is a full day of school. The students are able to wear some green instead of Knight wear if they would like.

Tomorrow we are making pizza. I have everything I need now except pepperoni and one more person to send a little bit more cheese. If you are able to send some in tomorrow please let me know. Thank you!

Coming home with your child today you should find a class picture, Math duo tang, and Language Arts duo tang. If their duo tang seems somewhat empty that means your child has a difficult time remembering to put their name on their work.

I will be sending home some more work this week. Our duo tangs are getting quite full so I thought I would send them home before spring break. I will be sending completed and marked work home on Fridays for the rest of the year instead of getting new duo tangs. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.

Interims are coming home on Friday.

The students had an amazing time listening to the orchestra from GW Graham. We had the pleasure of having Mr. Shinness come with his students to play for us. We had a lockdown drill this week and the students were impressive with their quick response and calmness. They did a fantastic job!

We having been learning about fractions in Math, inferring in Language Arts as well as working through our novel studies, thermal energy in Science, the Inuit in Socials. In Bible we are going through the events leading up to Jesus death and resurrection. In PE we have been playing badminton which is always a favorite!

We only have one week to go until Spring Break!!

Notes for the week

No spelling this week

Wednesday we are making pizza as a class no need to pack your child a lunch, thank you to the parents that are bringing ingredients!

Friday students are invited to wear green (casual dress with some green) to school

Interims will be going home with your student on Friday.

This week I will be sending home our duo tangs as they are FULL. after Spring Break I will be sending home the work that we do at the end of each week. If you have any questions or concerns about this please let me know. I will still be keeping all of the art work and “special” work to put in a scrapbook that will go home at the end of the year.

We are learning Matthew 28: 5-10

This week we are learning this portion of the verse:

Matthew 28:5-8

The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘he has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.” So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples.


This will be the last spelling list before spring break.






















Our spelling list this week is:





















We had our Tuesday Chapel in the new chapel this week. It was exciting to see the amazing transformation!

We have started working on fractions in math this week. The students have caught on really well. In language arts we are working on inferring while we reading and writing persuasive writing. The students wrote a wonderful piece convincing people to take a vacation they loved. In science we are talking about conduction, convection, and radiation. In Socials we are working on taking notes and will be starting a research project on the Inuit people.

On Wednesday, March 15th we will be making pizza as a class. If anyone is willing to contribute a bit of grated mozzarella cheese or some pizza sauce it would be much appreciated. I will be making the dough and bring some other toppings. The students will roll it out and top their pizza. We will be making the pizza before lunch so you wont have to pack a lunch for your student that day!