Tomorrow is Terry Fox Day, we will be learning about this great Canadian hero and then running 3 or 4 laps around our field. Students can bring in a Toonie for Toonie’s for Terry.

A friendly reminder…

Parking Lot Information:

Please ensure that you always follow the procedures for parking lot safety while using the Highroad Academy parking lot.

  1. Follow direction of flow as indicated by the arrows and signage.
  2. Park ONLY in designated parking areas. Do not park in ‘No Parking’ zones including the Drop Off lane on the west side of the building.
  3. Pull into a parking stall when dropping off and picking up students rather than stopping in the driving lane. Do not stop next to the pylons to drop off or pick up your students.
  4. Do not drive alongside the overhang of the main school entrance, north side of the building.
  5. Do not enter through the Chilliwack Central Entrance nest to the playing field. This is a Fire Lane, and the parking area is not available for HRA use.
  6. Always be alert for children who may dart out between cars.

After-School Duty: We would like to remind everyone that our staff will be supervising the playground until 3:00. With the sunny weather, we have noticed an increase in the number of children and parents using the playground after school. At 3:00, our duty teachers will blow the whistle, signaling that ALL children need to leave the bark mulch and join their parents. For students without parents present, they will be directed to the lobby. Once the duty teachers blow their whistle three times, students who are with their parents can return to the playground. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring the safety and well-being of all our students.

Mrs. Orrell and I are piloting a new endeavor and have set up a PRIVATE Instagram account so we can easily share pictures with you through the year. If you would like to follow the account you will need to request to follow mrsvsbusybees. If you have any questions or concerns about this please let me know. I assure you this is private and only parents in the class will be approved to follow.

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